Monday, May 13, 2013

Sunday and the Orphanage

So I do not really know where exactly to begin.  The first half of my day was good.  We went to church and met all of the members there.  They just have branches in Chiang Mai but they are all such good members.  Sacrament meeting and Relief Society was nice because we got to wear these cool head phone thingys that translated what the people were saying.  A missionary sat in the back and translated.

We went to lunch after church to this really cool restaurant Spencer knew of from when he was on his mission.  We all ordered and Chloe got her food way before the rest of us.  When we looked at Chloe food closer, Spencer started laughing.  None of us understood why he was laughing.  Apparently Chloe’s dish had blood in it and Spencer did not know that when he ordered it for her.  Chloe, being as daring as she is, tried it.  (You have to understand… This blood she was about to eat was not in liquid form. Oh no, it was gelatinized. Like jello or tofu.)  Yes, she tried it. 

A few hours later came the time for Kristin and I to leave Ginny’s and go to the orphanage.  This place is about 40 minutes out of the city.  It was a nice drive.  We had to take Bird’s (Bird is a Thai guy that has been helping us the past few weeks.  He is awesome) truck which only had two seats… So Spencer, Kristin and I rode in the back.  It was bumpy and uncomfortable but the breeze was so nice and it was a really good way to see the city and the countryside. 

So when we got to the orphanage, it was so much different from what I thought it was going to be like.  It is huge, well the amount of land is and they farm it all by themselves.  They have all kinds of different fruits and vegetable.  The pulled some bananas off the trees and gave them to us to try.  So ahroy! – Delicious! Our room is fine, with no air conditioning but it has a really good working fan.  They showed us around the property.  The kids are great and really fun and most can speak English.  Then it was dinnertime, but when they brought out the dish of what we were eating my first thought was – I had never seen anything look more disgusting in my entire life.  Terrible I know but that was how bad it looked.  It was green with peas and beans and the white stringy things.  I can’t explain it well but yeah.  Once I saw that I became completely overwhelmed. I almost started crying.  It was not because of the fact that the dinner was gross or the fact that Spencer was leaving just everything.  It was really hard.  I think it was that I was thousands of miles away from my family in some place that is so foreign to me and around all of these kids that I had never met.  I was freaking out.

Our room is pretty good.  It is kinda funny because I feel like I am at girls camp all over again.  In my house at home in Arizona, if we saw a bug we freaked out and found someone more brave to kill it.  Even a simple fly, someone got out the fly swatter and killed it.  Here I am living with bugs like they are my roommates.  They are everywhere.  But it is not so bad because I am brave, although I do scream once or twice.  Like this morning there was a frog on our toilet, just chillin there.  Yeah I screamed them. 

The kids are great.  Really they are so wonderful and friendly.  A lot of them speak okay English so we get by pretty good.  There is a little boy named Lee-be.  He is so funny and similar to kids at home that are his age.  That is what I have come to notice, although these kids live completely different lives then we do in America, they are still kids.  They still cry and laugh and tease and joke.  They remind me of all my cousins.  I guess I did not know what to expect but it was certainly not that.  I don’t know why.

This morning we had more green stuff for breakfast.  I found out that it was actually morning glory.  The weeds that people spray in their front yard to try to kill them.  Yes I ate those.

Anyways things are good.  So much different then I expected.  But I will get used to it.

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