Saturday, May 18, 2013

I think I am in LOVE

I honestly can say that I am happy.  It is Friday now and the culture shock has worn off! I am good!

Before yesterday, I think deep down I wanted to go home.  I kept asking myself, "What am I doing here?" I tried not to let myself be discouraged but I missed my family, I missed America, I missed french fries and normality. But everything has changed since then.  The more I am around these kids the more I fall in love with them.  They make me want to be here.  I know that I am where I am supposed to be and I am happy.  So so so happy.

Thursday there was a guest coming to the farm.  Kristin, Cam, Aii and I went to go pick her up in Chiang Mai.  The truck was hot and the air-conditioning did not reach Kristin and I in the back seat so we were dying but it's okay, it only lasted about 30 minutes.  We stopped for gas on the way and we went in to the store to get a drink.  Thai gas stations are similar to American ones except for the fact that everything looks Asian.  There are at least fifty different kinds of "Lays" Chips.  From the pictures on the packages we can only guess the flavors.  One is Salmon, another is sushi (Dad I am sure that you would really like that one haha, I don't dare try it though.), most of them though we cannot decipher the picture.  Every time I go into a gas station or a 7-11 I have to get Mentos -- the sour kind.  I don't now why, probably because it is the only American thing I can find in the store.  They are so good.

We picked up the guest at the bus station around 1:30.  She told us her bus got in at noon but she did not seem mad at all, which was very nice.  I think she understand the Thai culture.  In Thailand things are so slow.  People do things on different time tables then we do in America.  They also do things in the most inefficient way but somehow they always get done.  Anyways, she is German and her name is Kristine.  She is living in Switzerland though for the moment.  I have never met anyone from Switzerland before so it was cool.  She was so nice and friendly and we had a really good conversation on the way to lunch.  We got lunch in the place called DoiSaket Hot Springs.  Around the restaurant there were these hot springs.  Of course it was so hot outside I would never go swimming.  The restaurant was so cute and quaint in a way. Here are some pictures:

I want to introduce you to Ohm-Em.  She is 3 and a half years old and she is my little bud.

One afternoon we pulled the computer out and sat on my bed and took hundreds of pictures.  They loved it and it was so cute watching them point to which effect they wanted and try to use the mouse.  I am a goner guys, I love these kids so much already.

Ohm-Em, Li-bee, Me-Mai

Okay, my favorite part of this week was Thursday night.  We had a big bonfire and we got to enjoy watching the kids sing all these song and dance and laugh.  After Chey wanted the kids to ask us some questions about America, so we answered some pretty funny ones.  
Do you have snow?
How many people live in America?
How do you get around? -- Car. -- You can drive?
Do you have dogs?
Do you have things that ride on the land? -- Like ATVs? -- YEAH!
Does it rain there? Does it get cold?
If you are skiing in the snow, how do you get up the mountain?

They were pretty funny.  After we played charades, and the kids got really into it.  They loved coming up to me and asking me what they should act out.  Half way through the bonfire Li-bee came up and sat on my lap.  Then he took his hands in mine and just held them.  I love him.

But the best part of the entire night was when Chey said that it was time for bed. All the kids came up to us and hugged us one by one.  It was one of those experiences that I probably will never forget.  They hugged us and I could tell that they love us too. Li-bee hugged me for a while, we are buds.  I seriously love the kid. 

All and all this week was one of the hardest and one of the most rewarding. I went from really homesick, wondering on a constant basis what the heck I was doing there, and not understanding the culture at all -- To complete loving every minute of it.  Loving these kids and beginning to understand and respect the culture.  I NEVER WANT TO LEAVE!

1 comment:

  1. GV - you are a wonderful writer! I have so enjoyed reading about your adventure! Scared and sad for you one moment (bugs and different food) and now thrilled to hear you are doing alright and seem to be adjusting and quite happy! Take Care, All our Love, J7Sheps
