Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Just a Taste

There are so many things that I want to tell you about, that I feel I have been leaving out of other posts. Because I can't write about everything that I see, hear and feel here because it would be so long and I would never be able to get away from my computer.  So here are a few things about this place that I haven't mentioned yet, that are worth mentioning.

  • On a cloudy day, you bet that it will rain...  well, it won't.  Even though it thunders and there is all sorts of lightning blazing in the sky.  However, on the sunniest of days it will down pour later.  The clouds will roll in randomly and there you go.  But that is the thing about rain here in Thailand, if it does rain, it only rains for about 10 minutes tops.  Or at least that is how it has been the past few days.
  • I know that I have mentioned that there are bugs everywhere and this is true.  But I am proud to announce that I have killed just about every one I have come to find.  This is a huge step for me if you didn't know.  Before I would not have even dared to go near one of the tiniest spiders but now I am killing the 8 inch daddy long legs.  Yes these are bigs steps, big steps.
  • If there is a night where the 20 dogs that live around here don't bark it will be a miracle!
  • You know the connotation that all asian people take off their shoes before entering a room?  Well  it is true, they do and sometimes it is really annoying if you are wearing tennis shoes.  I do understand why they do it, it is out of respect so that is cool.
  • They have this tendency to sweep the dirt.  I guess it is like their raking it but they do it with the same brooms they use in the kitchen and in their rooms.  It is kinda odd and kinda funny to watch.
  • Thai people are some of the nicest people I have ever met.  
  • They pronounce just about everything wrong, so it is like a game to me trying to figure out what they are saying.
  • They have pretty good music.  There is this one song that they sing all the time but it is in Thai so when I try to sing it I can get the tune but the words are a problem.  So I just say gibberish, they all look at me weird and laugh.  Then there is this other song that has a little English in it -- "Sexy Lady."  That's it, that's all the English but it is an awesome song.
  • Every time they are about to eat for just about every meal the kids say a prayer.  It is out loud and they all say it at the same time.  Half of it is in Thai and the other half is in English.  I have most of the English memorize: This food is a gift from the whole universe, the earth, the sky and much.  May we live in a way that they may ask what... something, something, something.  It is really cool though because they put their hands together as if they were going to bow before a fight.
  • That's another thing: they do bow.  They out there hands together when they say hello.  It is so cool.
  • My favorite thing that they say is: Like this, Like this.  But they can't really say -th sounds so it really comes out like: Like dis, Like dis.  It is awesome, they say it to me whenever they are showing me something.
Well that is all I can think of right now but that is a little taste of the culture here.  So different but really cool.


  1. Are you talking about the popular Korean song Gangnam style?

  2. Nope it is a different song, a girl sings it
