Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Little Adventures

So we had a good weekend in Chiang Mai with all of the other interns.  It was nice being around other people that could actually speak English.  Being up at the orphanage made me so I talk slower and use smaller words.  I didn't notice this until I was with everyone.  Kinda weird.

So Bird and Spencer came to pick us up Friday night around 8.  It was really good to see Spence, I missed him.  All the kids said goodbye to us and hugged us.  Li-bee was especially adamant that I give him a big long hug.  Spencer had to pay Chey so we walked over to where he lives (which is in the boys house on the other side of the farm.)  Li-bee made me give him a piggy-back ride, while the entire time tried to say all of the days of the week.  But he kept forgetting Friday and then he would forget Thursday too.  It was a mess but it was so funny. By the end he told us that days don't matter, that they are not important.  And I agree with him.  It's all about the moments and the people you get to share them with.  Not the days.  Once we paid him we got into the car and that is when things got mad.  There was a beetle in my hair!  I knew it was there because I could feel it moving but Spencer and Kristin couldn't see it or find it.  So there we are in the car, me screaming at them to get it out and them laughing until tears start coming because they couldn't find it and were too scared to pull it out.  It was terrible in the moment but so funny after I finally got it out.  The ride didn't seem that long because Bird was telling us stories about Liver on the River. (But because most Thai people get their R's and L's wrong he kept saying River on the Liver.)  He also would say Burbelly instead of Blueberry.  It was awesome.

Bird dropped Spencer, Kristin and I at this restaurant called The Duke's.  It had real food! And what I mean by real food is Hamburgers and french fries.  And it was so good, kind of expensive but worth it.  After we went to Spencer's apartment because we were staying at the same place too, just in another room.  And that room had air-conditioning and a small fridge - Small luxuries that we all take for granted.  Anyways we ended up squishing onto Spencer's bed and watching The Count of Monti Cristo on his computer.  Awesome movie by the way, I hadn't seen it for a while and forgot how good it was.  Saturday morning we woke up and met all the other interns at the church where we set off on a small adventure up the mountain to a temple.  The temple was called Doi Suthep.  And it was beautiful:

Miss you Mom.

Wifi is not good again, so I will have to post more pictures later.  Things here are good on this rainy tuesday night.  The thunder is going crazy along with all the crickets.  Today was kind of hard, things sometimes get hard when we don't know what to do.  It is hard to understand what Chey wants but we are trying really hard.  But we are fine! Things are good.

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