Wednesday, May 15, 2013


So Kristin and I were talking last night about being here at the orphanage.  I know that we have only been here for less then 48 hours but we are having a hard time adjusting.  And I know that we will with time.  It is just that before when we were staying at Ginny's we were tourist.  We could do whatever we want and their culture was not surrounding us like it is now.  I like their culture, it is interesting and so much different from ours, which is why I think that it is really hard time adjusting to it.  I do not know what the exact definition of culture shock is and I do not know how to explain it so I am going to google it.... but that is exactly how I am feeling.

Culture Shock - is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country. -- Yes that describes me perfectly. 

That is the thing though.  This disorientation that I am currently having does not take away my love for the kids.

This is Li-Bee.  His real name is Livi but since Thai people do not have the letter V or the vaa sound that it makes, they all pronounce it Li-Bee.  (Olivia - I thought that was funny and it reminded me of you.  I miss you.)  He is one of my favorites, he is funny and very friendly to us.  I was teaching him english words having to do with the face today and it was so funny.  He was getting lips and tongue mixed up and he was getting so frustrated.  But for the rest of the day he would purse his lips and me and yell LIPS and then laugh.

This is Wee-Nigh.  I teach him english in the mornings from 7-7:30.  He is very shy when he is speaking English.  Chey, our manager, really emphasized the importance of trying to get the kids self-confidence up.  So that is what I am trying to do with Wee.  That is the nickname I gave him.  He tells me he likes it very much.  I told him the story of Peter Pan today, I think that he liked it.  I think tomorrow I am going to get him to tell me why he loves Iron Man.  He is 15.

So Chey gave us our schedules today.  They are very full of teaching English... Something I do not have much experience doing.  

Here is what an average day will look like starting Monday.

6:45 – 7:15 = Teaching English to Wee-Nigh
7:15 = Breakfast
9:30 – 10:30 = Teaching English to Dtoi
11:00 – 12:00 = Teaching English to Kam
12:00 = Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 = Teaching English to Aii
5:00 – 6:00 = Playing games/teaching art to younger kids
6:45 – 7:45 = Teaching English to older kids

Wish me LUCK! I am going to need it..

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