Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Good Days and Bad Days and Some Days in Between

Monday was the good day.  There are some new volunteers that have joined our little Shelter: Philipp and Laoni. They are here for one month from Germany.  I have decided that I like them and that yes though they are much different than me, that is a good thing.  They are total hippies, you know with the dreads and the backpacks that carrying all their things and the smell.  Just kidding they smell fine haha. I think Monday morning they both had hangovers but hey it's cool.  They will bring some life to this place.  The morning went the same as usual but at 11:00 we set off the the hospital.  Satin, 16, had an appendicitis, which means, I am sure you can infer, that his appendix's ruptured.  I love that I took anatomy last semester because I totally know how it happens, where exactly the appendix's it and all the stuff like that.  The appendix sits at the beginning end of the large intestine, and it is totally useless.  It does nothing but accidentally, randomly rupture and is very painful when it does.  It ruptures because some foreign objects gets lodged inside, the objects are usually just making their way through the intestinal tract but accidentally get stuck in the appendix.  Then the appendix inflames and ruptures.  Anyways that is what happened to Satin so he had to go into emergency surgery Friday night and is now recovering just fine in the hospital. He should be able to come home this weekend hopefully.  The rest of Monday went just fine.  In the afternoon when all the kids came home I was watching a movie on my computer and after about 10 minutes I have 5 kids crammed onto my bed watching the movie with me.  Don't laugh but the movie was Lilo and Stitch, I had a craving to watch it, I haven't seen it in years.

So since Monday was the good day, Tuesday was the bad day.  I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed because the whole day I was lazy, not really feeling that well and a little grumpy.  I have no idea why but that was just how it was and I decided that it is fine.  It is okay to have one or two grumpy days every once in a while, as long as you don't make them a habit.  I was so lazy yesterday that I read a whole book, or most of it.  I was on about page 80 and I finished it.  It was 400 pages haha.  Pathetic I know.  But it was a pretty good book, The Kite Runner, that was the title.  Well actually I don't know if I liked it all that much.  Honestly it was really boring.  Well written, really boring.  But hey if you like that style then I bet you would like it.

So the kids are still great.  They still come up and give me random hugs, which I love.  They still laugh just about all the time.  They all said good morning to me today and asked me how I slept.  They really are good kids.  They work very hard and still have happy, smiling attitudes.  I know that I have said this about a million time already but they are teaching me more than I am teaching them.  They touch my heart so easily and have worked their way inside.  For these three months they are my life and I am in theirs.  I find that I never use my phone unless I am texting my mom or dad.  And even my computer has taken a backseat.  It is great honestly.

Well I got to go teach a class.  Wish me luck!

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